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I am currently a third-year Ph.D. student in the School of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Jia Wu and Prof. Jian Yang. Previously, I obtained my M.Res. (Master of Research) from Macquarie University, Australia.

My research interests include graph mining, anomaly detection, explainable machine learning, and social network analysis.


  • 05/2024: One paper on data-centric graph anomaly detection with Xiaoxiao is accepted by KDD 2024.
  • 02/2024: Invited to serve as PC member for the IJCAI 2024 Survey Track.
  • 01/2023: Our paper is awarded the Most Influential IJCAI Papers (Ranked 1st among IJCAI-20 papers).
    • IJCAI-20: Deep Learning for Community Detection: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
  • 01/2023: Invited to serve as PC member for the IJCAI 2023 Survey Track.
  • 09/2022: One paper on graph anomaly detection with Xiaoxiao is accepted as a regular paper by IEEE ICDM 2022 (acceptance rate: 9.77%).
  • 08/2022: Invited to present a poster in VLDB 2022 for our paper eRiskCom: An E-commerce Risky Community Detection Platform (Poster).
  • 08/2022: Our GitHub repository Awesome-Deep-Community-Detection gets 200 stars!
  • 03/2022: Our survey A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning is published by IEEE TNNLS (early access here).
  • 01/2022: Our paper eRiskCom: An E-commerce Risky Community Detection Platform is published by The VLDB Journal (here).
  • 11/2021: Invited to serve as PC member for the IJCAI-ECAI 2022 Survey Track.